Endourology – Laparoscopy fellowship at Shahid Labbafinejad Hospital-Tehran I.R. IRAN
Program description
The Endourology-Laparoscopy Fellowship Program at Shaheed Labbafinejad Medical Center includes 15 months of clinical training in laparoscopy and 9 months in endourology. The program includes both clinical and research experience. The clinical faculty is comprised of 7 urologists. Dr N. Simforoosh, MD Professor of urology is a pioneer in kidney transplantation and laparoscopic urologic surgery in IRAN and chief of urology at Shaheed Beheshti University of medical sciences. Fellows are actively involved in laparoscopic urologic surgery with him and also with other faculty members. Dr Basiri, professor of urology, has been a pioneer of Endourologic, Percutaneous and Ureteroscopic procedures in Iran since 1990. He is also actively involved in kidney transplantation, and minimally invasive surgery. Dr F. Sharifi Aghdas has been the first female urologist graduated in Iran. She is in charge of female urology unite in Shaheed Labbafinejad Medical Center. Other staffs, Dr Ziaee, Dr Tabibi , Dr Nouralizadeh and Dr Soltani all actively involved in teachings fellows and conducting clinical research. There is 5 year residency program in the center. Fellows are involved in teaching residents and Medical students as well.
Clinical Training
Laparoscopic and endourological training of the fellowship program includes ablative and advanced reconstructive surgery. Your clinical experience will include:
Outpatient clinic consultations. During this you will evaluate new patients in your particular area of interest, select appropriate patients for intervention and provide continuity of care for your patients.
SWL rotation one day per week. During this you will be involved in SWL and perform this procedure on your patients and evaluate new patients.
- Operative procedures, under the supervision of faculty members. You will perform laparoscopic and endourologic procedures.
Each fellow will be involved in a number of research programs. A large surgical database, excellent research support and experienced personnel are available to assist you.
Clinical fellows are involved in the teaching program of medical students and residents. You will assist them in surgical and diagnostic procedures.
Approximate yearly clinical volume
- Percutanceous procedures: 700
- Ureteroscopic procedures: 4000
- SWL procedures: 1000
- Laparoscopic procedures: 500
You will be on call, 5 or 6 days per month, including in-hospital calls. You are expected to be available for problems or questions related to your patients.
There are four positions available in the Laparoscopy-Endourology Fellowship at Shaheed Labbafinejad Medical Center each year. You may apply to Laparoscopy-Endourology Fellowship at Shaheed Labbafinejad center if you have completed an approved residency program in urology and are board certified.
Foreign applicants should contact Nasser Simforoosh M.D at the following address:
N. Simforoosh, MD
Professor & Chairman, Dept. Urology
Shaheed Labbafinejad Hospital
9st Boostan, Pasdaran Ave.
Tehran, Iran, 16666-79951
Tel: +98 (21) 2258 80 16
Fax: +98 (21) 2258 80 16
E-Mail: Simforoosh@iurtc.org.ir
Previous graduates of our fellowship program:
- Serajeddin Vahidi
- Mohammad-Reza Darabi vpstudent@mums.ac.ir
- Mahdi Younesi
- Faramarz Farahi
- Seyed Amir-Mohsen Ziaei ziaee@hotmail.com
- Ebrahim Mousavi
- Mohammad-Kazem Aghamir
- Habibollah Mousavi-Bahar Shmbahar@hotmail.com
- Mohsen Amjadi amjadizm@yahoo.com
- Hossein Karami Karami_hosein@yahoo.com
- Masoud Etemadian Etemadian@hotmail.com
- Mohammad-Hatef Khorrami Khorami@Med.mui.ac.ir
- Amir Ijadi
- Hassan Ahmadnia Ahmadnia2001@yahoo.com
- Abdollah Nasehi
- Armin Iranpour
- Mohammad-Reza Nikoobakht Mnikoo@sina.tums.ac.ir
- Mohammad-Mahdi Hosseini mmehdi_hosseini@yahoo.com
- Robab Maghsoudi rmaghsudy@yahoo.com
- Esmaeil Mousapour mousapour@noavar.com
- Fereidoon Khayyamfar khayyamfar@yahoo.com
- Hamid Shafi hamidshafy@yahoo.com
- Mohammad Nadjafi monadjafi@hotmail.com
- Kia Nourimahdavi nourimahdavi@med.mui.ac.ir
- Hamid Shayaninasab
- Heshmatollah Soufimajidpour Hmajidpour@yahoo.com
- Saeid Behjati
- Reza Niroumand
- Akbar Nouralizadeh
- Mohammad Ali-Beygi
- Saeid Shahrokhi-Mousavi
- Hossein Karami
- Sadrollah Mehrabi
- Alireza AminSharifi
- Saeid zand
- Hamid-reza Kianian
- Mahdi Abedinzadeh
- Fateme Heidari
- Hamid-reza Naseh
- Ramin Eshratkhah
- Parham Masoudi
- Hooma Djaladat
- Mohammad Asl Zare
- Mehrdad Mohammadi Sichani
- Ali Akbar Moradi
- Seyed Reza Hosseini
- Arash Ardestanizadeh
- Nadali Moosanejad
- Vahid Najjaran Toosi
- Seyed Hassan Inanloo
- Seyed Alireza Mir
- Shahram Shaabaninya
- Mahziar Khazaeli
- Valy Azizi
- Ardalan Ojand
- Mohammad Masoud Nikkar
- Alireza Lashay
- Ali Ahanian
- Seyed Hossein Hosseini Sharifi
- Mohammad Hossein Soltani
- Mohammad Hadi Radfar
- Amirreza Abedi
- Hormoz Karami
- Davood Arab
- Mohammad Ayanifard
- Hamid Pakmanesh
- Reza Valipoor
- Amirhosein Kashi
- Mehdi Zeinali
- Reza Sarhangnejad
- Mahmoud Reza Nasiri
- Amir Afyooni
- Sepehr Hamedanchi
Current Lap-Endo Fellows at Labbafinejad Center:
1. Hassan Hoshyar
2. Behnam Shakiba
3. Anahita Ansari
4. Saman Farshid
5. Mohsen Varyani
Foreign garduated fellowship:

Kuwait City- Damsa, - Block 4, Street No 40, House No 21.
Tel.: (00965) 22546467, Mobile: (00965) 99922555.
Abbreviated CV:
My two year fellowship at Shaheed LabbafiNejad Medical centre (Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences), in Teheran city commenced from September 1st 2007. It is the largest urology training centre in IRAN offering fellowships in all subspecialties of Urology (Endourology and Urolaparoscopy, Paediatric surgery, Renal transplantation). I was the only overseas fellow coming from Kuwait. I was warmly welcomed by the head of department professor Naser Simforoosh,colleagues and other seniors in the department.
The first nine months of my training fellowship was in Endourology - Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL) and transurethral lithitripsy (TUL). The training program was well structured with the initial first 2 weeks spent observing the procedures, followed by assisting for the next 3 months and later performing the procedures under supervision. The work load in the department is heavy with 15 to 20 PCNLs being performed every week. This gave me a complete outlook of the various facets of managing patients. I have also observed PCNL being performed in complete supine position with ultrasound guidance.
The next 15 months was spent in Laparoscopic urology. I started from June 1st 2008. The same structured program was followed. I have had the opportunity to assist and later perform Laparoscopic surgeries. Since the hospital is a tertiary referral centre, the patients come from all parts of Iran and also from nearby countries. Hence even advanced Laparoscopic surgeries including Radical Cystectomy, Radical Prostatectomy, and Partial Nephrectomy are performed on a regular basis.
The academic program is also excellent with weekly urology clubs, monthly meet of Teheran urologists. A quarterly Laparoscopic training workshop for urologists from all over Iran is conducted in our centre with facilities for animal lab. Annual national urology conference is also conducted by our department. There is an excellent Library available with all the important international journals.
I enjoyed my stay at Teheran thoroughly. The people are very friendly. I should also mention my Professors who are among the top urologists in their subspecialty. They are also very amicable and approachable.
I completed my fellowship in September 30th 2009 and joined Al-Amiri Hospital, Kuwait. Now I am doing well, perform PCNLs and different laparoscopic surgeries regularly. I am thankful to professor Naser Simforoosh for this wonderful opportunity and I am grateful also to professor Abbas Basiri, doctor Ali Tabibi, doctor Ameer Mohsen Ziae, doctor Nourali Zadeh, doctor Sharifi for making me a confident and successful urologist.
Description of Fellowship Program
During 15 months section, there is active participation in laparoscopic urologic surgery operation rooms with Dr N. Simforoosh, M.D. and other faculty members. During this time, fellows assist and later will do independently all kind of laparoscopic procedures, i.e. simple nephrectomy, radical nephrectomy, partial nephrectomy, donor nephrectomy, adrenalectomy, nephroureterectomy, cystectomy, bladder augmentation, laparoscopic Malone procedure, radical prostatectomy, simple prostate adenectomy for BPH and a lot more. In Labbafinejad Medical Center some laparoscopic procedure has been done for the first time in the world and those which have been reported include “Total laparoscopic ureteropelvic junction resection and end to end anastomoses for low grade TCC of upper tract” and “Totally laparoscopic augmentation cystoplasty along with Malone procedure in 9 patients for combined urinary and fecal incontinence”. Another 9 months of program is devoted to clinical work in endourologic procedures. During this time, fellows actively participate in percutaneous procedures, i.e. PCNL, nephroscopy, Percutaneous nephrostomy, etc…. and Ureteroscopic procedures i.e. Transureterolithotripsy (TUL), Ureteroscopy, endopyelotomy, flexible Ureteroscopy and laser lithotripsy. Fellows take rounds routinely with resident in the postoperative period and attend out patient department along staffs to be actively involved in evaluation and case selection of laparoscopic and endourologic patients. They may be expected to visit general urologic patients along their endourologic-laparoscopic patients and are actively involved in teaching medical students as well as residents.
Approximate Laparoscopy clinical volume :
- Laparoscopic Ileocystoplasty With Malone Procedure
First report in the world, (AUA 2003, Chicago) 9
- Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy New Sutureless Technique 150
- Laparoscopic Lich Gregoir Antireflux Technique 40
- Totally Laparoscopic Uretero Cystoplasty 2
- Laparoscopic Retroperitoneal and pelvic lymphadenectomy 39
- Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty 710
- Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy 1800
- Laparoscopic Simple Nephrectomy 400
- Laparoscopic Radical Nephrectomy 240
- Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy 290
- Laparoscopic Repair of Retrocaval Ureter 12
- Laparoscopic Uretero and Pyelolithotomy 270
- Laparoscopic Nephrepexy 5
- Laparoscopic Varicocelectomy 700
- Laparoscopic Hernia and Hydrocele Repair 28
- Laparoscopic Renal Cyst Decortication 81
- Laparoscopiy For UDT and Orchiopexy 590
- Laparoscopic Simple Prostatectomy 8
- Laparoscopic Patial Nephrectomy 190
- Laparoscopic Heminephrectomy 25
- Laparoscopic Ureteroneocystostomy 15
- Laparoscopic Nephrolithotomy 27
- Laparoscopic Antireflux (Gilvernet) 50
- Laparoscopic radical cystectomy 12
Total number over 7000 in 20 years